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By Charles Rhodes, P. Eng., Ph.D.

The purpose of this web page is to provide explicit references to the source douments upon which www.karateontariohistory.com relies.

At this time we are seeking reliable historical documentary data. The data should relate to people, tournaments, tournament results, officiating, coaching or Karate Ontario governance. Photographs of prominent individuals would be helpful.

Please email data to CSLRhodes@gmail.com or letter mail or courier documents to:
Charles Rhodes
20190 Kennedy Road,
Sharon, Ontario
L0G 1V0

Telephone: 905 473 1704

This is a list of documents and other sources which were relied upon to provide most of the information shown on this web site other than linked data from other web sites. With respect to conflicting dates on historical summaries by others the conflicts have been and continue to be resolved by relating the karate event dates to other well documented historical events.

Personal recollections of Charles Rhodes relating to events at Tsuruoka Hq. dojo 1969 - 1980, events at University of Toronto 1969 - 1975, formation of Karate Ontario 1974, events at Canada Square 1979 - 1981, events at Karate Ontario 1995 - 2005, events at Brad Jones dojo 1992 - 2012, events at Tsuruoka Hq. dojo 1992 - 1997

"Shane Y. Higashi: A Life Lived in Karate" by Peter Giffen 2013, www.barriekarateclub/barrie-ryusei-karate-blog/shane-higashi/

"Masami Tsuruoka" by Sam Moledzki www.shitoryu.org/bios/tsuruoka/tsuruoka.htm

Canadian Black Belt Hall of Fame http://www.canadianblackbelthalloffame.com/about.html

"Competitors and their successes:" www.karaterec.com/en/catalog.php?country=45

Karate Canada Results: http://www.karatecanada.org/en/results.html

Malcolm Fisher website: http://fishershotokan.wordpress.com/who/

Ted Jungblut international competitor http://www.soundkarateclub.com/

Ted Jungblut Karate Resume

Ted Jungblut emails

Sam Moledzki emails

Ron Fagan national medalist 1979, 1981 - https://www.google.ca/search?q=ron+fagan+karate&rlz=1C1OPRB_enCA523CA523&oq=Ron+Fagan+&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l4j69i61.9638j0j8&bmbp=0&sourceid=chrome&espv=215&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8#

O'Sensei Tsuruoka, A Short History by Frank Foulkes

Karate Ontario Awards Banquet 2000

Nassim Varasteh - Titles

ISKF (JKA-WF) Canadian National Karate Championship Results (not recognized by Karate Ontario or Karate Canada)

Black Belt Journal - Winter 2003

KOA executive elected June 10, 2001.

KAO Officials List dated May 27, 2011

Brad Jones photograph collection

Sam Moledzki photograph collection


This web page last updated January 16, 2016.

Xylene Home History People Ontario Teams Canadian Teams Evolution Sources Contacts Links